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Home Trim soap grinders Inertial hammer crusher IM-45

Inertial hammer crusher IM-45

Price:  10112 ; 10976


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Inertial hammer crusher IM-45

Inertial hammer crusher IM-45

Inertial hammer mill IM-45 is designed for crushing wood chips obtained on a chopping machine, as well as sawmilling waste. The design of the crusher allows crushing both dry raw materials and natural humidity.

550000 RUB
Avangard IM-45

Inertial hammer crusher IM-45

Video work inertial hammer crusher IM-45.


The hammer crusher is designed for crushing wood chips obtained from a wood chipper, as well as lumber waste with a cross-section size of not more than 50x50 mm. The design of the crusher allows for crushing both dry raw materials and those of natural humidity. In the first case, the crushed raw material is sucked out of the crusher through a screen that determines the desired size of the fraction and can be immediately fed to the briquette press hopper. In the second case, wet crushed products are forcibly ejected through the pipe into a container, from which they are fed to the drying equipment available to the consumer, afterwards they are briquetted.

Technical specifications of the inertial hammer crusher IM-45

Humidity of the loaded raw material any
Size of the loaded raw material, mm, no more 50×50×1000
Size of the crushed fraction in cross-section, mm, no more 2
Capacity, kg / hour 2000
Power consumption, kW 30